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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Friends of Grand Rapids History

Join the Friends of Grand Rapids History, a new feature of the Grand Rapids Historical Commission. The GRHC, a commission of the city, receives no city funding for our many publications or for the continuing growth of this website which features photo essays about lesser known people and events in Grand Rapids history and thousands of images related to the city.

Membership is available to individuals, organizations, and businesses; memorial and in-honor-of designations are also available. The names of Friends are posted on the GRHC website. Select your level for a one-year membership as a Friend.

Student: $5.00
Bronze: $10.00 - $49.00
Silver: $50.00 - $99.00
Gold: $100.00 +
Platinum: $500.00 +

Donors of $100.00 or more will receive one of the books published by GRHC. Donations are tax-deductible and an official tax receipt will be sent for donations of $50.00 and above if requested. Download the printable Friends of Grand Rapids History form.

Our Friends

Platinum Friends $500.00 +

Thomas R. & Debra C. Dilley

Gold Friends $100.00 +

In memory of

James J. Baylis


In memory of

Alva L. Stewart


In honor of

Terry Stratton

Diana Barrett

Matthew L. Daley

Walt & Shirley DeBoer

DeBoer Building LLC

Jack & Rebecca Smith-Hoffman

Silver Friends $50.00 - $99.00

In memory of

Elizabeth Long Bremer

In memory of

Mark Edward Herbert

Portland, OR

In memory of

John Adam Weidenfeller

Rachelle Herbert

Portland, OR

Bronze Friends $10.00 - $49.00

Barbara L. McGregor

Richard Vettese

Kim Walstrom

Student Friends $5.00

Kristin Brace

Spalding University, Louisville KY

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