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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Thomas Carlyle Cameron

1867 - 1932

Thomas Carlyle Cameron came to New York from England in 1889 at the age of twenty-two, and became a designer for the George C. Flint Co. and W. & J. Sloane’s, both of New York. After several years he returned to London and became associated with the furniture company of Waring & Gillow for five years. Later he returned to New York where he worked for Dowling & Son followed by the Jaeger Furniture Co. of Allentown Pennsylvania. From there he came to Grand Rapids to become designer for Imperial Furniture Co. where he spent the next sixteen years. He was one of the first members of the Grand Rapids Furniture Designers Association.



Full Details

First NameThomas Carlyle
Last NameCameron

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