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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Frank C. Lee

Following his architectural training at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, Frank Lee became a draughtsman in W. & J. Sloane’s, New York designing department. Later he worked with Marshall-Field’s, designing furniture for U. S. shipping board fleet. Following that he worked at Waring & Gillow’s, London, and to date holds the rating of being the only American-born designer ever to have worked in both those famous studios.

Then to Madrid, Spain, and for two years directed the decorating of Ducal estates for Waring & Gillow’s. Berkey & Gay beckoned and in 1922 Frank joined the staff, for nine years. Then followed Landstrom Furniture Corp. and finally a freelance career. Frank was well represented in the new Berkey & Gay line of 1936.





Full Details

First NameFrank C.
Last NameLee

Excerpted from Fine Furniture, Vol. 1, May 1936, page 26

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