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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Library Assists Furniture Manufacturers

A specialized library on furniture and the allied arts, embracing collections from all parts of the world, is maintained in connection with the Public Library of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Acquisition by the library of all the books on furniture shown by the French book trade at the World’s Fair in St. Louis formed the nucleus of the collection. In the selection of books the library has had the co-operation of a committee of furniture designers. Some 2,000 books and portfolios of plates were named in the list of books on furniture issued by the library in connection with the hundredth Furniture Market held in Grand Rapids in January of this year. Magazine articles are not included in the list, although bound volumes of furniture magazines are noted. Among rare collections are several early English books on furniture, including a first edition of Chippendale and a third edition of Sheraton. Twenty titles describe famous furniture collections.

Kansas Plaindealer, May 18, 1928, page 4

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